Shame On Us Christians

Shame On Us Christians Cover

Shame On Us Christians Press Release

In today’s world, so many organizations like the ACLU and the FFRF are trying constantly to remove anything Christian from our country, like public displays like Christmas Nativity scenes or even Christmas itself, and monuments or plaques of the Ten Commandments from courthouses, schools, or any public location.  In this book I bring to the reader what exactly the Ten Commandments say, what they mean, and how and why we should follow them.  Specifically as Christians, but also why non-Christians need to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior.  Following the walk through the Commandments, I address several issues facing Christians today, like peer pressure on our Christian youth, how Christians should  act toward each other, and why Christians cannot and should not just stand by as our country falls deeper into sinful and ungodly acts and directions.  Passive Christianity has no place in today’s society, and Christians need to get out and exercise their right as a citizen of the USA, and vote in accordance with what God’s Word says.  God is being pushed out of our everyday lives, and we need to start pushing back.  We are to be meek in our actions, not weak, so get hold of the Ten Commandments and make a difference in the city, state, and in our country, starting with that person you see in the mirror every morning.

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