Hello, and welcome to the website of the blind Christian author Kevin Turnbaugh. This website has been created to introduce you to me, my books, and the issues they deal with. From threats on our freedoms, both as Christians and non-Christians, to details from God’s Word on the rapture and eternity in Time Witnessing. Critical Condition addresses many current events in our country today, including the so named ObamaCare, our current Income Tax system, environmental issues, the courts, and 7 reason why evolution is a bad theory and creation (today called Intelligent Design) is a fact. Shame On Us Christians looks at the Ten Commandments in detail, how and why we should follow them, and how all of us fail to do so. Confrontational Christianity deals with those threats and difficulties, both inside and outside of the church building, that face we Christians of all ages; and how and why we must confront them in today’s world. My new book, as of May 2020, Creation Is A Science, sub-titled How The Biblical Narrative Makes Sense, provides facts of God’s creation, and is detailed below. My new release as of September 2022 is In A Blink, sub-titled Why We Must Be Ready For The Rapture, gives a basic understanding of the coming end times, with Bible references for the future events.
God Bless America!
New Releases
Creation Is A Science
Book Trailer: https://video214.com/play/RtR0FPMcloVvfCv8pmph9w/s/dark
Following years of intense research, and background of Federal Judge John Jones III 139 page decision in Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District, December 20, 2005; Creation Is A Science was written in response to this and many other court decisions, that removed the teaching of creation from our public schools. Other decision examples would be the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decision in Edwards v. Aguillard in June 1987, that replaced the teaching of creation with evolution, in Louisiana public schools.
Link to press release → Creation Is A Science Press Release
In A Blink
My latest book In A Blink, sub-titled Why We Must Be Ready For The Rapture, gives the reader a layman’s understanding of the book of Revelation. The book provides how from my going blind, a greater understanding of just how the rapture will occur, and exactly what “in the twinkling of an eye” from 1 Corinthians chapter 15 really means. Jesus’ warnings of the coming end times in Matthew chapter 24, the horrors of the 7 years of the tribulation period, and what we raptured saints will be doing in Heaven during those years. Important information is provided to you the reader to be ready, because we may not have a tomorrow, and you do not want to suffer those tribulation years and be left behind, facing eternity in Hell.
Book Trailer: https://youtu.be/dW2B-o7Fv2s
Link to press release → In A Blink Press Release